Sunday, October 25, 2009

Agility Organizations

The popularity of agility competition is evidenced by the number of organizations in the U.S. that administer the sport.  Four major organizations hold agility trials and award points and titles to top agility dogs: the American Kennel Club (AKC), the United Kennel Club (UKC), the United States Dog Agility Association, Inc. (USDAA), and the North American Dog Agility Council, Inc. (NADAC).  Each organization has different rules governing competition and classes.

The AKC offers five jump heights ranging from 8 to 24 inches, and dogs compete for titles various levels of classes.  UKC competitors jump up to 20 inches and compete in three classes with progressively more difficult jumps.  USDAA has the most stringent rules for competition and the most challenging jumps, with the maximum jump height of 26 inches.  The organization also offers games such as Gamblers, Snooker Agility, Relay, and Jumpers.  The NADAC with its fast courses emphasize speed.  It offers five standard division jump heights from 8 to over 20 inches and an optional jump height of 24 inches.  In addition to regular classes games such as Touch 'N' Go, Weavers, Tunnelers, and Gamblers are offered.

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